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Featured Role Play



Audience: Current Role Play Designers
Phase 1:
how can we help them?
Phases 2 & 3:
how can we help them?

Reduce isolation by building a community of practice

Describe their role play generically and publish in the project's online repository to promote their work to others

Profile their work at cluster and state events

Find links between role play designers in similar or complementary disciplines

Assist with evaluating the current role plays by linking with potential new role play designers who will be participant observers

Writing Groups assist with publishing outcomes in refereed journals

Provide an external peer review process for their role play and teaching materials to provide evidence for teaching-related promotion

Provide seed grants to pursue links discovered in Phase 1 so that their role play extends from single subject to inter-disciplinary and/or inter-institutional and/or international

Provide opportunity to discuss outcomes at a national role play Working Conference and publish in an edited book resulting from the conference

Audience: New Role Play Designers
Phase 1:
how can we help them?
Phases 2 & 3:
how can we help them?

Raise their awareness of online role play as a learning design via descriptions in the EnRoLE Repository and via live events at cluster and state level

Enrolment in a current role play identified in the Australian community to provide experience of participating as a student

Provide experience of evaluating online role play by assisting a current role play designer and co-publishing the outcomes

Provide experience of running an online role play by collaborating with an existing role play at another university and/or in another discipline

Provide support in designing a role play for their own context with mentors identified in the community of practice via the previous Four Step process

Post-funding, these new Designers become Current Designers and mentor future new role play designers

Audience: Educational Developers
Phase 1:
how can we help them?
Phases 2 & 3:
how can we help them?

As above depending on whether they are experienced or new to role play design plus...

Raise more awareness of the AUTC Learning Design site

Provide experience with describing role plays as reusable learning designs

Provide them with experience in identifying reusable learning objects to contribute to the EnRoLE Repository

Provide them with a repository in which to search for reusable learning objects for use with their academic clients

Audience: Promotions Committees
Phase 1:
how can we help them?
Phases 2 & 3:
how can we help them?

Raise their awareness of Peer Review of Teaching as experienced role play designers come forward for promotion with evidence of external peer review of teaching materials and scholarly publications about their teaching

Assist Peer Review projects funded by Carrick by providing concrete examples of Peer Review of Teaching in action

Audience: Wider Academic Community
Phase 1:
how can we help them?
Phases 2 & 3:
how can we help them?

Raise their awareness of online role play as an effective learning design via published outcomes of well-evaluated projects

Provide a model for establishing collaborative learning and teaching networks for dissemination and reuse of learning designs