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Opportunities to publish about online role playOver the past 18 months there have been many exciting developments in the field of online role play. Existing role plays have been opened up to new players, new role plays have been developed and others are in the pipeline. In the spirit of the scholarship of teaching and learning, EnRoLE members are encouraged to reflect on their work in the field of online role play and to disseminate the lessons learnt through professional development workshops and academic publication. A number of writing collaborations were established at the Writing for Publications Workshop held at University of Sydney in June this year. There are a number of opportunities for publication on online role play coming up in the near future and so it is now timely to progress these ideas into articles. As always, the deadlines for submissions are tight but not impossible.
The reality at present is that many journals have pre-arranged issues for the next 12 to 18 months making it difficult to gain acceptance for timely publication, particularly in international journals within the next 2 years. Those who are sucessful in being accepted often lack impact because their work is diluted by being isolated in the field. However, through the EnRoLE network, opportunity exists for publishing on online role play in the near future in amongst other themes related to the field. A critical mass of pubication in the field will assist in legitimising our work, bringing it forward for mainstream consideration.
Please contact Dr. Elyssebeth Leigh, EnRoLE Publications Coordinator, if you have ideas or enquiries about publishing opportunities. Her email links are elyssebeth.leigh@uts.edu.au or elyssebeth@gmail.com, and mobile is 0412713060. 1. Innovate - Journal of Online Education EnRoLErs are strongly encouraged to consider writing for a special issue of Innovate focusing on online simulations, role playing and virtual worlds. The special issue of the journal is being developed in cooperation with the organisers of the 5th Annual League of Worlds Colloquium to be held in Hong Kong this coming October. Submissions for this special issue may address, but are not limited to, these key areas:
If you would like to submit a manuscript for this issue, information is available from the website (see above). Please review the submission guidelines and send your manuscript to the guest editors, Stephen Bronack, Owen Kelly, Roni Linser, and to the editor-in-chief, James Morrison, no later than November 1, 2008.
2. SimTecT 2009 Conference papers, active conference sessions, plus fully refereed ISBN registered publication. The 2009 conference theme is Simulation - Concepts, Capability and Technology and focuses on the breadth of simulation applications. This was once a highly technical conference which has made a conscious decision to spread its wings and embrace the entire field of simulation - of which role-play is a crucial element. Introducing online role play as a simulation strategy will allow us to interact with a new audience of practitioners and researchers. At this conference our papers could focus on the ways in which online role-play can support and extend all kinds of experiential simulation-based learning. There is a fully refereed ISBN registered publication and a great need for more active sessions - such as EnRoLE is renowned for. Elyssebeth Leigh works as papers manager for this conference and is very keen to have an active post-EnRoLE presence there. Her email links are elyssebeth.leigh@uts.edu.au or elyssebeth@gmail.com, and mobile is 0412713060. For an opportunity to experience the breadth of simulation potential for learning this conference will be an exciting one to attend
3. ISAGA 2009 This conference is linked to the Journal Simulations and Gaming - and it is possible to plan now and present a thematic set of papers which could then be refined as a 'special issue' for the Journal in the period after the conference. The conference theme is Learn to Game, Game to Learn. We learn about games and simulations; and then we learn from games and simulations. The conference theme embodies this double aspect. Between the learning and the game are people and technology. Elyssebeth is proposing to coordinate a track on the topic of 'Role-based learning environments'. We will need about 4 to 6 separate items to make it a worthwhile venture. She will contribute a session on the facilitation of role-based learning with an emphasis on 'online environments'. This conference is always a highly interactive and creative event with equal attention to theory and practice - research and application. Elyssebeth's email links are elyssebeth.leigh@uts.edu.au or elyssebeth@gmail.com, and mobile is 0412713060. For an exciting conference with two shots at publication (there is always a conference publication usually with an ISBN, and then there's the journal afterwards) join me at the 40th Annual ISAGA conference!
More immediate deadlines:
4. MobilizeThis 2008
5. ICEL 2008 September 8th - abstracts for non-refereed papers, workshops and papers, although some leeway may be arranged. Contact Elyssebeth Leigh at elyssebeth.leigh@uts.edu.au or elyssebeth@gmail.com, and mobile is 0412713060. |
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